Academy Events

We have different types of events from in person to virtual events like "The Whispering Sessions".
Contact us below for hosting your own event.

Whispering Sessions

Our free bi-weekly wednesday afternoon event. We cover different AI topics and typically do a few on screen demos.

Anyone can attend. We send out invites and schedules to our mailing list (you can join below).

Future and Past Sessions

Community Sessions

Our community space has the capacity to host up to 200 people for a virtual live event with video. It can also record those events.

You must be a student or alumniĀ memberĀ to attend these events.

Coming April 2024

In Person Events

WeĀ sometimes host in person events in Phoenix, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Check back here when we post our calendar.

We also have speakers who can participate in your events. Contact us below with your needs.

Contact Us

Join our Newsletter!

Sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter about AI and what's going on at Whispering AI. Also get exclusive and early deals.Ā