
Early Access and Beta Testing Community

Get a sneak preview of our new courses and provide feedback along the way so we can the best possible courses. You get early and FREE access to the course, and participate in group discussions with the course designers themselves.


Sign Up

Pathfinder Benefits

Since the input we get from our audience drives how we approach everything we make, your early participation in that approach is extremely valuable to us. In exchange, we offer the below benefits.

FREE Course

When you participate in our beta, we give you the course for free including the chance to be certified.

Sneak Peaks

It typically takes us 30 days to develop a course before beta starts, but we will schedule some previews.

Other Benefits

Get our exclusive Pathfinder newsletters, invitations to events, and discounts on courses.

How it Works

We put a lot of work and thought into all of our products, but our audience ultimately decides whether they're good or not. This is our first chance to learn that and to help us make the best courses possible.


Our form below is not meant to exclude anyone, but to allow us to select the most diversified people for each group.


Once a new course starts development, we begin selection for participants. If selected, you will receive an email.


In a recorded kickoff call, we will share instructions on how to access the course, get help, and provide feedback in the course and the community.

Courses Scheduled for Beta Testing

Below is a list of courses that are currently in development. If you would like to participate in one of them, please fill out the form below.

Building on AI For Everyone, we are adding the next course in our certification program. This will include topics like Automation, AI Assistant Training, and more.

Beta Testing: May 2024

After working 20 years as a professional designer, Jack has developed a course that helps designers supercharge their productivity expand their creative powers.

Beta Testing: May 2024

If you've ever had an idea for a film, or work in the industry and wanted to do your own project, this course is for you. This will include idea brainstorming, script writing, and creating your own media concepts.

Beta Testing: July 2024

Pathfinder Beta Application Form

We use the below information not to exclude anyone, but to ensure we have the most diverse group possible.

All fields are required.